3 definitions by Honky '98

The female equivalent of a sausage fest: a party principally or wholly consisting of women, with a marked lack of testosterone.
This has turned into a real taco night. Might as well watch some Sex and the City.
by Honky '98 December 3, 2007
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An inexact but mind-blowingly large number, somewhere between a centillion and a googolplex. If every atom in the observable universe were replaced by a universe the size of the observable universe, and then every atom in the resulting universe were replaced by a universe the size of the observable universe, the number of atoms in that resulting universe would be dwarfed by a shitillion. Not a term to be used lightly.
I could list a shitillion reasons why I haven't seen the Battlefield Earth movie.
by Honky '98 January 30, 2012
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Jesusy enough to make the non-religious uncomfortable. (Noun form: Christacularity.)
No, I don't want to go to the movies with Liz--I think she's really nice, but she's so Christacular.

Kirk Cameron didn't go all Christacular until his career died.
by Honky '98 February 7, 2010
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