2 definitions by Heytherewoods

A superlative reference to someone with an amazing idea that could potentially make millions.

A term of amazement for your friend when he thinks of a brilliant idea while high.
Jimmy’s dad invented the straw. He is a fucking Moon Owner.

Chocolate ashtrays?Bro, you are a fucking Moon Owner.
by Heytherewoods March 4, 2018
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A state of extreme inebriation where one can only focus with one eye open.
After a long day of drinking, Jimmy continued to ponder his future with Cynthia while smoking weed and downing a bottle of Jack, Needless to say, he was completely Pirate Faced when he asked Cynthia to marry him.

Kaitlyn and Chelsea were so pirate faced in Cancun, they ended up on Girls Gone Wild.

Let’s get fucking pirate faced this weekend.
by Heytherewoods March 4, 2018
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