12 definitions by Hey-Johnny-Johnny

a nice way of refering to a person who is not smart or who does things that are ill-advised

See also: not the sharpest tool in the shed, a few bricks shy of a load, not playing with a full deck
Durwood: My uncle is not the brightest bulb on the porch.

Winthrop: Why do you say that?

Durwood: He saw a sign that said 'keep of the grass'... so flushed his stash o' hash down the drain.

Winthrop: Bloody 'ell!
by Hey-Johnny-Johnny June 5, 2006
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A phrase used to describe that a guy hasn't had sex in a long time.
Damn, I've got bad case of blue balls; I gotta get laid tonight!
by Hey-Johnny-Johnny May 30, 2006
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A kind euphamism for an assinine, brain-free, idiotic fool.

This colorful phrase, like not the brightest tool in the shed, not the sharpest pencil in the drawer, not playing with a full deck, and other similar turns of phrase, are lost on those who fit the description.
"That guy ain't right."

"Yeah, he's a few bricks shy of a load."

"I wonder if the doctor dropped him on his head when he was born."
by Hey-Johnny-Johnny June 5, 2006
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Another term for cologne; inspired by the thought (or hope) that all it takes for a guy to score is to not smell bad.
Larry: Come on, Gord! We're gonna be late for the goddam party!

Gord: Hold your water, dude! I can't find my sure-fuck!
by Hey-Johnny-Johnny May 29, 2006
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A woman's breasts; always used in plural form.
Man, look at the loopy funbags on her!
by Hey-Johnny-Johnny May 29, 2006
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a clever euphamism for someone who lacks intelligence

see also a few bricks shy of a load, not the brightest bulb on the porch
Seth - "Did you hear about Werner? He tried to start his car with lighter fluid."

Taylor - "I'm not surprised; he's not the sharpest pencil in the drawer."
by Hey-Johnny-Johnny June 5, 2006
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