28 definitions by Herbie Dongsporran

The wingspan of your average black being.
Despite weeks of meticulous planning for Black Friday, a hapless Marquavias was seduced by a flat screen tv so large that it even exceeded his vast boonspan.

His greed and lust for crime, left him empty handed as he was caught red handed with incompatible surround stink speakers’.
by Herbie Dongsporran May 8, 2022
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Sour faced entitled adolescent, scowling bogus scientific 'facts' in the name of saving the planet.
'As the insufferable Greta traversed the planet burning tonne upin tonne of aviation fuel, she remained oblivious that her fart sniffing, piss drinking life as a climate spactivist had sealed her fate.

'She will die a greasy haired, unfuckable, turd-licking nobody. Perplexed as to why coastal towns and cities aren't under 50 feet of sea water'.
by Herbie Dongsporran February 14, 2023
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A rumbling, gurgling warning from within the stomach, indicating the imminent peril to the common vegan that they are about to be reduced to a human shit cannon.

A biblical shit blitz of nutty, pippy, seeded anus pulp from the redundant shit hole of said preaching eco-faggots.
'Violent turdbulence interrupted a lecturing Gabriel and Greta, forewarning the imminent weltering pints of shit being sent skyward from their burdened shitpipes.'
by Herbie Dongsporran February 13, 2023
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The stubborn parasitical like organisms which hatch from the clustered gooch eggs between ones anus and goolies.

They often migrate to the utopian weaves of a Muslim's prayer matt via the shedding of ball broth and sack syrup of a heavily sweating and unwholesome Muz.
'As Maqsood unrolled his best but tattered and decaying prayer matt, he was dehumanised and robbed of his senses by the fogging blizzard of gooch bugs. Hatched, unhatched and deceased'.
by Herbie Dongsporran October 1, 2021
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'The veteran urologist went home and slaughtered his entire family after one too many days of trowelling rotting hood curd from clogged knob holes. Before turning the gun on himself'
by Herbie Dongsporran October 1, 2021
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A poofters submission to carnal urges where upon abhorrant physical acts that Lucifer himself would heave at are performed on a member(s) of the same gender.
Encumbered by a sling, Olympian Daley Tom's husband, Oscar Fistorious, cut a sorry figure in the dock where he stood trial on multiple counts of poovery. Including, actual/grevious bodily poovery, wreckless poovery, poovery whilst under the influence (PUI), poovery without consent and numerous counts of hate poovery.

The 'Brick dust in the Vaseline' trail was suspended after the entire courthouse was excused on humanitarian grounds, triggering a deafening stampede for the exits following presentation of Exhibit A.
by Herbie Dongsporran October 20, 2021
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A shameless plaguerist associated with common thievery. Often lacking wit and imagination. A friendless mincer.
With a brain consitsting of untreated sewage, Corpzeangel will die alone without mourn.
by Herbie Dongsporran March 28, 2021
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