3 definitions by Hellohelloguys

Referring to a guy who is insanely desperate.

Also refers to a guy who enjoys beef jerkey cause he's a jerk.

You've ran out of girls, go and talk to that snail you clish

Shutup you're a clish
by Hellohelloguys October 13, 2013
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When you're stubborn and block someone on facebook. You have a petty fall out for no reason, and they either block you or unfriend you.

Mixture of stubborness and blocking
Bob:'I've got a question to ask you, why aren't we friends on facebook?
Lee: It's called the facebook stock, yes the 'stock'.
by Hellohelloguys May 24, 2017
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When you wake up in the morning with some massive ass boner. So the only way to get rid of that monsterous morning glory is to think of maths.
mum: John come downstairs i need you to tie my bra
John: Oh shit, ma morning glory still ain't going down
mum: John, what's that hard thing pressing against by back
John: 'Oh shit think of maths' .... 'Thankyou mathsglory'
by Hellohelloguys May 24, 2017
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