2 definitions by Hbro

the number 5000. originally referring to points, "dolphins" have grown to include just about anything.
origins: the online game Robot Unicorn Attack, where every 5000 points you get, another dolphin joins the pack.
1. "dude yesterday I was playing robot unicorn attack and i got almost 12 dolphins in one wish."

2. "yo i have like a dolphin songs on my ipod."
by Hbro April 22, 2010
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Verb. Sending a tweet or tweeting @someone more famous than yourself in hopes that they will re-tweet and make you famous for a few minutes in the twitter-verse. Opposite of 'down tweet' or "down tweeting".
I up tweeted @brianwilliams but he ignored it.
by Hbro May 29, 2012
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