3 definitions by Harley_Gloom

When your stomach can't decide whether it's nauseous or hungry and so does both.
Stomach, you're either nauseous or hungry, it can't be both. Stop feeling nausgry and pick a feeling!
by Harley_Gloom June 3, 2018
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1. A cemented belief that homosexuality is a sin, for whatever reason, but don't exactly hate them for it.
2. Participating in a romantic event for a friend, and verbally performing the homosexual type part, i.e Angela Schrute from "The Office" in Season 7, episode 13 when Michael Scott gets the employees to help with the romantic proposal.
3. Knowing someone who is Homosexual and you can't do crap about it so you just tolerate it.
(Season 7, episode 13 of the office)
Angela; "will you marry me?"
Holly; "no"

Angela is Homotolerant
by Harley_Gloom June 22, 2018
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A place that seems to have the most paranormal activity in competition to other places, that claim the same activity--

such as abandoned prisons, asylums, tunnels, forests, or any other places with a strong enough legend or high enough body count.
Crystal Cove: The Most Hauntedest Place on Earth
by Harley_Gloom January 10, 2018
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