2 definitions by Harlem River Rider

pl. Yeshivot

1. A Rabbinical Seminary in which young men studied Talmud under the guidance of learned Rabbis. The Yeshiva was a prominent part of European Jewish life, and was attended by many religous teenagers until they would need to work.

2. A post-high school institution in which only Jewish studies, such as Talmud, are learned. This is in contrast with religious high schools that teach both Jewish and secular subjects. However, some Jewish high schools are also called Yeshivot.
After high school, Josh spent two years in an Israeli Yeshiva.

Moshe, rather than attend university, chose to stay in Yeshiva and become a rabbi.
by Harlem River Rider June 2, 2009
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To refuse to call something by its new name, the classic example being Sixth Avenue in Manhattan, which people refuse to call Avenue of the Americas even though the name change occurred over 60 years ago.

Often the "sixing" is a matter of principle, where a perfectly good name is changed for politically correct, corporate, or other inane reasons. "Sixing" long after the name change has occurred is known as "deep six."
1) The RFK Bridge? Six that! Triboro for life.

2) Person 1: You still callin' it Idlewild? They changed it to JFK in 1963!

Me: The deep six remains in effect, after all a man is nothing without his principles.
by Harlem River Rider March 8, 2010
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