4 definitions by Harav Chaim Darwin ZR'L

To be under the influence of alcohol, weed, and nicotine simultaneously. The word is derived from the initials of the Latin words "mens" and "corpus," which respectively mean mind and body. This is because of the combination's potent, debilitating effects, encompassing every conscious part of both the mind and body. In laymen's terms, it'll get you fucked up.
Bro I'm so crossed right now, give me a cigarette so I can get micd.
by Harav Chaim Darwin ZR'L June 3, 2019
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Yeshiva University (YU) is an Orthodox Jewish school in Washington Heights in Manhattan.
Did you here that Yeshiva University protected a rapist on their basketball team? yucommentator.org/2021/08/i-thought-rape-culture-didnt-exist-at-yu-until-i-was-raped/

Did you hear that Yeshiva University would rather go to court than allow an LGBT+ club to exist on its campus? yucommentator.org/2021/06/yu-defends-decision-to-reject-lgbtq-club-and-receive-government-funding-in-new-court-documents/
by Harav Chaim Darwin ZR'L August 27, 2021
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People who aren't holding in yeshivishkeit but think they are.
You know the ba'al teshuva lawyer Jonathan? He nebuch thinks he's yeshivish, he's such a harry.
by Harav Chaim Darwin ZR'L July 10, 2021
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Nothing is known for certain about The Hanhola, although it is generally recognized as a global organization with a wide-reaching influence on history, literature, and film. They are thought by some to have played a pivotal role in the Siege of Jerusalem in AD 70. This is probably the source of the rumor that members have an identifying tattoo of the hebrew letter chet (ח), standing for churban (חרבן), an affectionate reference to their role in the destruction of the Jewish temple. Some consider it a sex cult because of its frequent and legendary orgies.
Bro what's with all the hickies, were you at an orgy from The Hanhola or something?
by Harav Chaim Darwin ZR'L June 3, 2019
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