10 definitions by Hallistic Vocal Roach

The act of spontaneously throwing random objects down the stairs for no given reason while simultaneously yelling "Hoomah!".
"Hoomah!" She yelled as she launched her newborn down the stairs.
by Hallistic Vocal Roach March 28, 2022
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Commonly known as the after-effect to "Hoomah". Squickey is the sound that your newborn creates after being launched down the stairs. The sound is a high pitched, squeaky sound that irritates your ear drums very thoroughly.
After she yelled Hoomah, her newborn did a Squickey on the floor.

"God!" She yelled "Shut the fuck up!"
by Hallistic Vocal Roach April 20, 2022
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when your fart doesn't actually make a fart sound, the air just exits your holes. It smells like eggy wedge's too.
"She needed to ploomf so badly...but it simply would not exit her lower hole"
by Hallistic Vocal Roach December 6, 2021
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