2 definitions by Hairy Castle

Blackwards- adverb
The act of a black person unknowingly impersonating a white person by engaging in activities that are stereo-typically dominated by the "white" culture. To the observer, this seems unnatural or backwards to the point of being humorous. Hence the term: "blackwards."
Jeff really enjoys ice skating on the weekends.

Example Conversation:

Person A: Jeff is "Blackwards"

Person B: Why’s that?

Person A: I saw Jeff put hummus on his grits yesterday morning.
by Hairy Castle October 4, 2016
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A homeless person named Chuck. Or a nickname you can give to a homeless person if you do not know their name. This word is also a part of a Cordless Drill (Drill Motor).
Hey Rob, do you see that homeless guy holding the “Work for Food” sign? His name is Keyless Chuck.
by Hairy Castle October 5, 2016
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