3 definitions by Hahahahahahahahaha

Started the retarded scientology movement. A con-artist who very much deserves to have his dick cut off by papercuts.
What a jackass..............
by Hahahahahahahahaha August 12, 2005
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A really nice girl with a great personality who boys want badly. If you don't have a girlfriend, you should go out with an Isabel! Most of the time goes out with a boy called Cameron or Jack and is a good kisser
Have you seen Laura?
Yeah, she's turning into a Fizz
by Hahahahahahahahaha December 12, 2016
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Conartist that wants ppl to believe that they're infested by evil alien souls, and that should pat big money to have them kept at bay... luckily, only desperate/gullible losers and retarded celebrities believe him.

Deserves to have his dick cut off by papercuts.
"oops i failed my math test... hmm what would L. Ron Hubbard say?"
*points at sky*
by Hahahahahahahahaha August 12, 2005
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