1 definition by GrumpySandy


Used to describe when a, or the current pandemic becomes worse (more cases, more easily spread, more fatalities) than it already is.

When a person or thing has the quality of being specifically due to a, or the pandemic.

I was watching the news and the pandemic is worse than it ever has been. A pandemic is a universally deadly occurrence. How do you describe a situation that is worse than something that is by definition already universally horrid: Pandemicky.

Also, you see very uneven hair cuts, beards from hell, threadbare Lululemon yoga pants with mismatched hoodies that look like they've been borrowed from a 14 year old, a ridiculous amount of hand sanitizer bottles on every surface, cupboards filled with bread flour and multiple jars of homemade sourdough starter, cloth masks hanging from every doorknob or hook-like thing in your house or car. These things look and feel "pandemicky".
"The pandemic is especially pandemicky today"

"That outfit is super pandemicky"
by GrumpySandy April 9, 2021
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