4 definitions by Grimydefwords

Act of watching/doing something that is particularly easy and requires very little brain power. ie: social media
by Grimydefwords February 24, 2017
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One who takes part in the mainstream ideas/activities of the common people. ie : waring hats,sport viewing, alcohol consumption, standard TV watching.
My father believes everything he sees on the news, he is such a mainstream human.
by Grimydefwords February 24, 2017
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Being apart of the social caste 'plebs' or common people but not engaging in the more plebian activities, such as bar diving, social media etc.
No thank you, I am more plebish and that event seem to me to be more along the lines of being pleb pleb.
by Grimydefwords February 24, 2017
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Volunteer editors at urbandictionary.com. People like YOU who are way to fucking stupid to even alive.
a complete utter fucking morons are people like YOU Volunteer Editors.
by Grimydefwords February 24, 2017
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