4 definitions by Gravy Spank

The group behind the song "Kernkraft 400". As a result, people mix up the song name with the band name.

Zombie Nation started as a German techno and electro pair of DJ's, Splank and Mooner. After Mooner left, Splank started going by Florian Senfter(birth name) and John Starlight. Zombie Nation released another album in 2006 called Black Toys with hit song "Booster" on its playlist.

Zombielicious follows with a March 2009 release in Germany.
Person 1: I love this song

Person 2: Yeah, its Zombie Nation by Kernkraft 400.

Person 1: The band is actually called Zombie Nation, the song is Kernkraft 400.
by Gravy Spank March 3, 2009
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I had to end it with Tracy when I woke up with gonzo.
by Gravy Spank August 22, 2009
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Basically, time to do what needs to be done or accept the undesirable result of where you are headed.
I've been cruising through life for too long. Now its time to either put up or shut up.
by Gravy Spank May 3, 2009
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A broken bottle used as a weapon. Typically seen in the stereotypical movie bar fight.
We got into a fight at the bar last night until someone broke a bottle and started threatening us with the bottle shank.
by Gravy Spank April 24, 2009
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