4 definitions by GrE3kGoD

To royally fuck up. To be very screwed in a situation.
Man you really verscrewed any chance with her.

You are so verscrewed.
by GrE3kGoD March 29, 2017
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Aguilard, the cerebral goo that congeals on your brain, destroying synapses, and imprinting nauseating images into your every waking thought, is caused by the unprovoked word vomit spewed forth by a friend or colleague who feels the need to divulge every minute detail above their lives, with total disregard to the severity of utter disgust, sheer embarrassment, and disdain brought forth upon themselves. Aguilard can only be put in remission by vast quantities of alcohol and verbal beratement of the offending party.
Ugh, I'm suffering from a server case of aguilard after "Tom" told me about him pooping in the shower and having to wear a diaper.
by GrE3kGoD June 17, 2022
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To verbally scorn. To humiliate and belittle an individual, who is only trying to be nice, in order to compensate for your own shortcomings.
Josh really verscorned that dude. And all because the guy tried to compliment his fedora but called it merely a hat.
by GrE3kGoD April 17, 2017
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The very opposite of amazing. To embrace mediocrity as a way of life. To be so utterly unimpressive and and lackluster that one begins to wonder if you are even alive. To be a giant among dwarves yet not stand out.
Wow. You really did a vermazing job on this report. I think copying and pasting would have taken more time than what little effort you apparently put into this piece of garbage.

WTF was that? I thought you were going to hit on those girls. Did they even realize you were talking to them? Vermazing.
by GrE3kGoD April 22, 2017
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