2 definitions by Gr@mmar Nut

Unlike Standard or Common English which refer to a formal or casual (which can incorporate texting abbreviations etc. and the rules that apply when using them) form respectively, Proper English is different. Many people still don't know that while Standard and Common forms can change based on society's changes, Proper English cannot. Standard and Proper English used to be one and the same, however with major grammatical changes, such as the dropping of "thou" and "thine", Proper English and Standard English split. This is due to the fact that the Proper form is not allowed to change it's grammatical rules, excepting the additions of words where needed. Therefore, Proper English actually refers to Middle English, where these rules for the language were set in place. Standard And Common forms were also one and the same. More can be found at Standard English
"Shakespeare is actually written in Proper English"
by Gr@mmar Nut October 10, 2017
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Standard English is one of three forms: Proper English, Standard English, and Common English. Until very recently, Standard English encompassed all of normally used English, however, as many forms of communicating on the internet have separated away from normal use, many of the less formal grammar styles and uses (i.e. caps lock, texting abbreviations, etc.) have been classified as Common English. However, any conversation you have with a pre-Millennial will use Standard English, even if it's "Hey, how's it going?" If you are talking to a superior, you will also be using Standard English.
"Seeing Standard English in a Twitter thread is a sight to behold."
by Gr@mmar Nut October 10, 2017
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