14 definitions by Ginger Barbarian.

A fucking nonce that wears nothing but CrossFit clothing, they also insist on doing lots of high fives and loud whoops when they have lifted piss poor weights. CrossFit slags are incapable of completing a full rep and can often be seen dropping light weights as their feeble bodies cannot take the strain. If you go to the gym and see a cunt he will likely be conducting a CrossFit routine.
Hey....I so dog tits Toby doing CrossFit in the gym, his body was gopping. To be honest he looked like a dropped yogurt, what a CrossFit cunt.
by Ginger Barbarian. August 17, 2019
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Knocking out a crafty shit down the old trouser leg.
Guess what Trevor? I did some tactical cropping in town today, funny thing a fat pig slipped in it.
by Ginger Barbarian. June 18, 2020
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A gash that’s so ginormous and hairy only a teenager on benifits would go there.
Hey don, that fat twat had a fuck hole like a stab wound in a gorillas back.
by Ginger Barbarian. December 8, 2017
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The act of spewing noxious fumes from your anal snapper.
Christ almighty don have you dropped you’re fucking club money.
by Ginger Barbarian. March 30, 2018
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A person who only has relationships with female soldiers.
Crumbs ken all you do is pump green fleet. Did you do the green fleet managers course?
by Ginger Barbarian. December 8, 2017
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Similar to the punched lasagne. When a fat cunt of a woman’s vadge is so foul it resembles a dropped pizza.
Crumbs Carl, her axe wound was a mess it looked like a dropped pizza.
by Ginger Barbarian. December 8, 2017
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Ha ha I just so appaullings pumping and his technique was shite.
by Ginger Barbarian. December 10, 2017
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