3 definitions by Gigachadddddd
The king of his college's class. He started out getting attention from people who disliked him, but he started to get more positive attention later on. He likes to hang around his dorm hall and perform on his massive Yamaha DGX-670 keyboard. He is a violinist, although he never performs for people because he's still working on playing in arco. He's also a computer science major.
by Gigachadddddd September 29, 2022
People (mostly white people) who go to Amherst College or UMass Amherst. Probably drives a prius too
Did you hear about the Amherst Trash whitegirl? I heard she drives a prius. My God, somethings wrong with her.
by Gigachadddddd March 25, 2022
The French king of arpeggios on fortepiano.
The first time I tried sightreading Maurice Ravel's third movement on his 'Miroirs' suite, the time signature was tripping me up, what the hell is an 84'th note!?
by Gigachadddddd June 6, 2022