4 definitions by GeniousGeekMinds

First and for most, Mehki is a very Unique name. Its not too uncommon yet not common either. Mehki is usually a virgo or Gemini. Mehki's love to understand you, don't ever play with a Mehki's trust. Everyone probably will or has a thing for your certain Mehki, but at the end of the day there's always someone in his heart. Mehki's usually don't know the full stories to a situation. If you ever meet a Mehki, just know he probably has someone who cares a lot about him, in his heart. Believe it or not, there's always one girl who will be obsessed with Mehki, yet when they communicate, he won't know everything she goes through. Mehki's always have one loyal girl that is disguised as a usually mysterious girl who goes through a lot but can hide emotions well. Mehki's deserve a lot. Good luck
Wow, Mehki is so stunning
by GeniousGeekMinds January 15, 2019
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Sarah's are usually unique. Many people say that Sarah's are boring, because they judge the name. Sarah's are like goddess' never disobey or treat a Sarah the wrong way
Wow, look at how amazing sarah is
by GeniousGeekMinds January 15, 2019
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Wasp, just like the insect, is very annoying. Wasps tend to bother you. Wasps' is a term you can use to call someone. "Stop being such an annoyin Wasp" Usually this is said by people who have experiences
by GeniousGeekMinds January 15, 2019
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Jose is a quite common name. Jose's are always hard working, they are determined to accomplish anything (even if its a difficult task). Jose's tend to have big Dicks. Treat Jose right. They are often Pisces'
Woww, look at Jose working his ass off!
by GeniousGeekMinds January 15, 2019
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