30 definitions by Gav

This word comes from the African meaning "stay put".
Keep it Kizzy.
by Gav January 28, 2004
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chairs and the like left behind by traveling irish folk.
Fucking gypo's leaving all their pikea shit in the lay by
by Gav October 22, 2003
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Something which is not real or exists only in someones imagination.
santa claus
the tooth fairy
Easter bunny
The bible and other storybooks.
Everyone knows god is fiction but many are too big-headed to admit they are wrong.
by Gav April 14, 2004
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R32's are shit. They look like preying mantices.
"Fuck bro, look at that ugly skyline, what is it?"

"Dayam bro, that's an R thirty two!"
by Gav December 17, 2003
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Fictious character who some people believe is a magic man who can make magic and they usually waste half their life praying to it. Many of these people have been brainwashed by the bible.
"God is sitting on his cloud watching us all & playing his harp", says brainwashed Barry.
by Gav April 14, 2004
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this word is used when pointing something of interest out to someone else who has previously not seen said item. Usually uttered in a mocking or suprised tone
"Deist the uglinesss on him lads"
"deist your one over there shes fine!!"
by Gav March 30, 2005
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