4 definitions by Gasoline Drinker

A type of keyboard smash that focuses on the keys in the middle of the keyboard.
"I Just did a dfghj, I could have got more creative than that."
by Gasoline Drinker June 21, 2023
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When someone has a stroke of genius so large, that they surpass even a Jimmy Neutron Brain Blast.
"I think he just had a braingasam, that was genius!"
by Gasoline Drinker June 21, 2023
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A dance that, when performed, makes anyone who sees it not want to have sex with the person performing the dance.
"Yeah, Jerry went into the dance circle, trying to pick up some girls, his moves were basically the denver shuffle.
by Gasoline Drinker June 15, 2023
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A young person obsessed with classic FPS games such as Doom, Quake, and Duke Nukem. They often only play them because they think it makes them look cool.
¨Timmy doesn't even like Quake that much, he's just a Boomer Shooter Zoomer.
by Gasoline Drinker June 16, 2023
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