10 definitions by Gabalot

1. a prostitute with flatulence!

2. a prostitute with a cocaine problem

3. a prostitute that will instruct you on how to have sex.
1. john, I wouldn't pay too much for that. That prostooter does nothing but fart .

2. John, I'd be careful because that prostotooter going to cost you money. She's got a serious cocaine problem.

3. John, you know that prostitooter Susan? She was so patient and she taught me so much.
by Gabalot July 28, 2020
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One who can't decide which sex he/she wants to be
There was gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and Q, but genderfusion has gotta suck. I mean look at Mark. He was doing great when he was a fag, a tranny or a Q. This genderfusuion has him all over the place.
by Gabalot March 29, 2017
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