2 definitions by GTamer

Gremlinshredding, Or Gremlinshred is used by the "Gremlin tamers" in the popular game osu! whenever one of the Gremlin Tamers performs well on a beatmap.
Player: Dude, i just fc'd everything will freeze

Player 2: Holy, You are gremlinshredding so hard right now bro.

Player: Thanks bro, that means a lot to me.
by GTamer August 2, 2023
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When an osu! beatmap can be done with the easy or flashlight modification and you gain nothing out of it other than a C or B Rank.
Friend 1: Why would you even attempt something like that on this map?
Me: This map is super Biochodable that's why.
by GTamer May 22, 2021
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