29 definitions by GF

What a dealer says when he has left you waiting for weed for up to 3 hours then you ring to enquire on his whereabouts and proposed time scales. Usually this figure is wrong and it will take up to another 30 minutes or another phone call. The dealer will then apologise for this and you just have to accept it as he is selling you weed and if you piss him off then no weed for you and a wasted night.
You "How long are you gonna be mate?"
Dealer "10 minutes. I'm not far from there now."

30 minutes later

Dealer "sorry about the wait...how much you want?"
by GF October 6, 2006
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DaButt- a firm bubble liek figure on a lady
dabutt what's dabutt?

by GF November 13, 2003
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The universailly known hand gesture for scallies. It involves the outstretching of the arm in the form of a fist and tapping somebody else on their fist as they do this also. If received back it is used as a gesture of respect or as a greeting or a way of saying goodbye. Sometimes if the other person is a dick then you can smash their fist as hard as you can with yours, ensuring they won't try and give you the touch again in the near future.
"Safe man....Touch?"
*outsretches fist*
"Ahhh fuck! That fuckin hurts!"
by GF October 9, 2006
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A term that describes an act done which is totally outlandish and unnacceptable.
"Mandems gatted at me" - Fadi
"Laddish beaviour" - Ahmed
by GF April 18, 2005
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The result of a life time of eating too many chicken kebabs and playing tennis. If one has fat calves they are always in denial that they have fat calves and claim that it is just muscle, resulting in asking in a rather homo-erotic way to feel the calves to show they are not fat when they are clearly visibly fat.
Predox "Had a beltin chicken kebab last night from Abdul's"
Keane "I can tell, your calves are looking fatter than usual lad"
Predox "My calves are not fat you swine! Come here, feel them, I'll prove I don't have fat calves"
Keane "No thanks"
by GF August 20, 2006
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A character in a story by Boyd Cable. Also one of the grestest insults in the English language.
by GF April 15, 2005
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Scally term used after just being told something quite ridiculous which another person had done. It can mean "Wow, that guys so cool" when most people would think "what a dick".
"So this guy pulled a knife out in broad daylight"
"some sick guy, man"
by GF June 10, 2005
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