18 definitions by Fusion

All the actors were not that good this is who should have played in that movie.
Darth Vader-Snoop Dogg
Luke Skywalker-Arnold Swatzernegger
c3po-Andy Dick
Boba Fett: Jean Claud-vann damm (He instead of fighting luke skywalker steals jabbas crack stash)
Princess Leia: Jenna Jameson
Han Solo: Vin diesal
Lando: DMX
by Fusion September 22, 2003
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Spine tingling oscillator generated waveform used as a cornerstone of modern uplifting trance music. Comprises of two saw waves overlaid, one detuned 50 cent above the other, and ran through two ADSR, one filter and one envelope.

Made commercial by Ferry Corsten and the Roland JP-8080 analogue modelling synthesiser. Can be re-created with grea efficiency using Native Instrument's Pro 53 subtractive virtual synth.
The main riff of many dutch trance records created from 1998-present.
by Fusion March 21, 2004
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A high school is a porthole to hell where everyone goes insane ranging causes such as:
Keeping track of who the slutty girls in your school are going out with.
Trying to be cool.
Trying to find wtf crowd you belong in.
#1 Trying to keep sane.
There are also an ass load of crowds, as described above.
by Fusion September 19, 2003
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Derived from 'w00t' but pronounced 'wah-hoot'

© C5 : Fusion 2004
Person 1: Hey negor, you seen the new videos for Battlefield 2?
Person 2: Yeah, looks wahoot

Person 1: Hey foo, DC .8 came out today
Person 2: wahoot!
by Fusion May 21, 2004
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The act of transferring your 40gb porn collection to removable media in event of hard drive failure
Shit, I haven't made a backup for a month!
by Fusion October 5, 2003
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to go to a shoobs is to go to a party
there's a shoobs tonight, are you going?
by Fusion October 15, 2003
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