1 definition by Fruitloops0123

The name Guillermo, Guillermo Is a loving caring, attractive, loyal, intelligent boy with a great personality, and a great sense of humor. Guillermo is hilarious he is a boy that really care for the ones he loves and that’s what is great about him. Guillermo is a guy who deserves the right woman or girl. He deserves a loyal, funny, smart, and etc girl. He will be loyal to you if you are to him. He doesn’t really show his feelings until you really get to know him. He is a guy who mostly everybody will get along with. He is really loyal he might have A Lot of chances to cheat on you. However if he loves you so much he won’t. Guillermo is a trustworthy friend or boyfriend. You could trust him with everything to secrets to personal stuff if you really know him. Unfortunately I won’t be able to finish but what I have learned it that Guillermo is an Amazing guy.
“Guillermo is truly Amazing, these hole 2 years and 2 months since 6th grade he is an Amazing boyfriend, and what I mostly love about him is that he is always there for me when I need somebody.”
Friend: “You’re really lucky to be with him. I see that you’re truly lucky to be with him especially since he is super loyal”
“I love him with all my heart”
by Fruitloops0123 December 1, 2019
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