1 definition by Fruitisforfools

Chelsea's are the most unimportant people the world has ever know. If you meet one, watch out, she'll probably annoy you into friendship and only communicate her feelings through memes. Even god got sick of asking what's wrong that he just sent her down to Earth where her only comment was, " it do be like that sometime " you'll catch her listening to really fucked up indie music while drawing " soup time " on her arm. But if you ever want to date one of these beast you should take into consideration that they will be cold and distant, yet excessively needy at the same time. If you find yourself in that situation, goodluck
Hannah: I dont want to talk about it.
Riley: stop it you're being such a Chelsea
Hannah: * sends meme of sullywazoski *
by Fruitisforfools October 7, 2019
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