21 definitions by Freak Obscene

Previously the BEST channel out there, but now it shows (ugh) hiphop and r&b. But it still has Rockzilla, Uranium, and the other good programs.
by Freak Obscene May 5, 2004
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Food or other matter that has been previously consumed and brought back up through the asophogus in such a way that it can be eaten again.
"Wow, that cheesburger that you ate sure tastes good!"
by Freak Obscene April 25, 2004
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The single best place to steal sporks from.
Lets go get some sporks from Taco Bell. Maybe we can even pick up a strange disease from the food while were there!
by Freak Obscene May 1, 2004
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Yahoo Instant Messenger.
A fairly decent IM, good uptime. Overall- better than AIM.
asshat- "Hey wotz ur yim//? wanna cyber?/ lololloz1!!2"
by Freak Obscene April 25, 2004
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1.)An appliance used for communication between two or more people not within talking range.
2.)Used as a substitution for 'call'
1.) Telemarketer: "Hello, If you would give me a minute to tell you about our new offer-" You: *shoots phone*

2.) "I have to phone Catelyn!"
by Freak Obscene April 17, 2004
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