12 definitions by Flash Ash

idiot zone is basically the mosh pit at a concert
person 1: i got tickets.. but they're in the idiot zone
person 2: excellent - the vibes better
by Flash Ash December 12, 2005
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An enclosed area of land usu. near a building - related to garden, courtyart, yard, etc.
Girl 1: Anyone for a game of cricket in the backyard?
Girl 2: Yeah, sounds good.

Man 1: We should build a higher fence, the neighbours can see into our backyard.
Woman 2: Yes, but at least the garden looks good.
by Flash Ash January 3, 2006
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1. bonsai is a coloqual term in Australia for it's 25th Prime Minister - John Howard. The nickname was coined by the former leader on the opposition when he was quoted on Andrew Denton's Enough Rope (Screened: 28 July 2003). It is in reference to the Australian allience with America - viewed by some as 'subservient' (Malcolm Fraser).
2. Bonsai meaning "tray gardening" in Japanese is the process of growing trees and plants, while keeping them small by the use of careful pruning. It is considered a difficult art, and the trees can last for hundreds of years.
3. A computer code system used to manage CVS code arcives called 'The Bonsai CVS'.
4. Human Bonsai - Is a term for the practice of Comprachicose practictioners. It refers to the practice of changing the physical appearance of human beings by manipulating the growth of children. It's considered similar way to the horticultural method of bonsai -- or through deliberate mutilation.
John Howard — someone was saying he's got a new nickname, 'Bonsai', 'cause he's a little Bush. - Mark Latham
by Flash Ash January 12, 2006
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blaxploitation is the morphing of the words “black” and “exploitation”. It is a film genre from the 1970s that targeted the urban african-american audience. The actors used were mainly black and was the first style to use funk and soul music. Although initially popular it quickly disingrated as a film genre critizised for the use of stereotypes.
The films 'Do the Right Thing', 'Shaft' and 'Jackie Brown' are all examples of blaxploitation.
by Flash Ash February 19, 2006
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Stu Vac: Short for Student Vacation, Stu Vac is a short break taken before exams for the purpose of study and more usually procrastination.
"Stu Vac, traditionally known for its ability to turn apparently normal university students into caffine-guzzling, chain-smoking procrastinators..." - Honi Soit Article, Week 13, Semester I, 2006
"Stuvac: the best excuse for a piss up since 9/11" - Ibid
by Flash Ash August 11, 2006
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