4 definitions by FeminineTomato


A kid-friendly version of PornHub where 10 year old's can have online sex with 65 year old men.
Friend - "What 's your favorite game?"
10 year old - "roblox."
Friend - "What's that?"
10 year old - "#######"
by FeminineTomato May 4, 2019
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Tik Tok

The app where the unintelligent millennials go to to rant about others. Do you actually have good video ideas and talent? Well, too bad. There's always gonna be that one good looking teenager e-boy rolling his eyes to slur trash rap and getting 1 million likes for a video that took him 5 minutes. you gotta be pretty on that app, or you get made fun of. Self confidence? Well, you're not in luck. You can't even say "I look good everyday" without being attacked by idiots. Holding a kitten by the back of its neck? Sorry, but you'll get attacked by that one dimwit and get called an animal abuser. No one has talent. Apparently moving your hands in a clock position is dancing. Would not recommend.
"OMg GuYS mY BeSt FriEnDs LeFt mE OuT oF tHeiR DaNce GeT mE TiK tOk fAmoUs tO bE bEtTeR thAn thEm!!!!1"
Everyone watching, going to the "best friends" other videos, and commenting:
"CloWN" "OmG YoU pAtheTic cloWn"
"BrOuGht thE WholE CirCuS"
by FeminineTomato October 14, 2019
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Ayano Aishi

Ayano Aishi is the main character of the game: Yandere Simulator, made by YandereDev. His Youtube Channel is called Yandere dev, and he makes progress videos of the game's future rivals, but he only talks about the first rival, Osana Najimi. There is no way to win the game yet, but in the final game, you will have to kill all your rivals to get your Senpai. She is one of the best Yandere's, but Yuno Gasai is the Yandere queen. There is no Anime about Ayano Aishi yet, but if there was one it would probably be called Lovesick.
My favorite Yandere game character is Ayano Aishi, AKA Yandere-Chan.
Ayano Aishi is my favorite Yandere.
by FeminineTomato October 29, 2017
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Someone who doesn't SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!
by FeminineTomato November 18, 2017
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