7 definitions by Fathead

Large flab of fat hanging beneath the chin.
by Fathead October 19, 2004
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When a man participates in a homosexual lifestyle.
Dude, he's not a metrosexual, he's playin' for the pink team.
by Fathead December 9, 2004
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A term used by young hooligans meaning what is up.
Hey! Sabi wich u mah man? Mi iz da bomb!
by Fathead October 19, 2004
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uhhh... kinda like, uhmmm...

"blah, blah, blah"

except used most often by Dutch chicks from NW Iowa.
"Mr. Bush said in his e-mail, ... 'blar, blar, blar' ".
by Fathead October 21, 2004
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Effineese; noun; Feelings and Emotions; to be a overly sensitive about bullshit
by Fathead March 8, 2019
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Any dude that wears a skirt and walks like that is batting for the other side.
by Fathead December 9, 2004
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Another commonly used term among potheads for a marijuana joint.
Hey, can you hand me the papers so I can roll another J.
by Fathead December 9, 2004
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