3 definitions by Falco_FatalitY

Chemical Reaction

A chemical reaction is when two chemicals (reactants) form to make a new chemical substance. During the chemical reaction, the atoms are rearranged to form the aforementioned new chemical substance (products).

There are different types of chemical reactions, however, in this definition, I will not be explaining them.
Guy 3: Woah, did you see that chemical reaction?
Guy 1: Hell yeah I did!
Guy 2: I wonder if we could do it again?
by Falco_FatalitY January 1, 2019
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The cancer of this world. Often says SKkskskskkskskskskkskskskskksks repeatedly and say and "and I oop"

One of my siblings is a vsco girl and this is why the whole family hates her. Not gonna name them tho.

Often has scrunchies on their wrist, hydro flask, and often makes annoying sounds.

Watch out for these people, they are taking over my school.

Please help.
Person 1: Scrunchies on my wrist, hydro flask on drip
Person 2: another vsco girl, what has this world become
Person 2: *walks away*
Person 1: AND I OOP
by Falco_FatalitY October 6, 2019
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