2 definitions by Eyre of the Fred
An assertive phrase to introduce one's opinion by someone who is supremely confident it is the only valid viewpoint that makes logical sense. It is often abbreviated to IMFFHO. It should not be used by the faint hearted or those that cannot back it up with facts.
In my far from humble opinion, Matt Oxley writes like he's sitting on a time-bomb waiting for it to explode so he can be the first to report it
In my far from humble opinion, Valentino Rossi will never win another world championship
In my far from humble opinion, Valentino Rossi will never win another world championship
by Eyre of the Fred August 17, 2017
Another name for a desperate losing cheat that tries to win by kicking his opponents out of the race
Valeban 1: Damn, Rossi got a rear of grid penalty for that kick that caused Marquez to crash. He'll never win the championship now.
Valeban 2: Never mind. He'll always be the people's champion
Valeban 1: True that, and he likes coming up from the rear, anyway
Valeban 2: Never mind. He'll always be the people's champion
Valeban 1: True that, and he likes coming up from the rear, anyway
by Eyre of the Fred August 9, 2017