2 definitions by Evelyn and Ella

The act of getting salad

To go prepare a salad

To have a fun salad adventure
Evelyn and Ella love salad so much, they made salading a daily thing at the cafeteria.

"Hey Ella! I'm so hungry! Lettuce go salading!" Said Evelyn.

"Oh my green gosh! Totally! I want some salad so bad right now!" Ella exclaimed.
by Evelyn and Ella May 14, 2014
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A substance tasting strongly of salad.
Peter's lemonade was very saladie this morning.

Evelyn didn't want a saladie salad but she got one anyway.

The only salads they had at the cafeteria were too saladie for Suzan.
by Evelyn and Ella May 5, 2015
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