2 definitions by Emory Forest

The disappointment and sudden reaction of leaving uncovered food in the microwave a moment too long and the heated food splatters all over the interior of the microwave oven.

Opposite of splattergasm; The temporary euphoria or rush one gets when heating uncovered food for as long as possible in a microwave oven, being successfully or partially heated - with a high risk of explosive splatter, but not splattering all over the interior of that microwave oven!
John's splattergasp over the microwave mess was too funny!
by Emory Forest December 12, 2019
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The temporary euphoria or rush one gets when heating uncovered food for as long as possible in a microwave oven, being successfully or partially heated - with a high risk of explosive splatter, but not splattering all over the interior of that microwave oven!

Opposite of Splattergasp! The disappointment and sudden reaction of leaving uncovered food in the microwave a moment too long and the heated food splatters all over the interior of the microwave oven.
John had a splattergasm when he was able to reheat all of his leftovers without making a mess in the microwave oven!
by Emory Forest October 26, 2019
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