2 definitions by EmoSnorlax

"Oh man, When My dad left the bathroom, I saw the end half of a unicorn sticking out of the toilet"

"Cheer up Joe, Farkel Happens. Get used to it."

"Reports show that NASA has found traces of Farkel on Uranus"

"He just scared the living Farkel out of me.."
by EmoSnorlax July 2, 2009
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A man whom a girl finds to be extremely manly and awesome. SO much where she is obsessed with him. To the point where he can cure cancer and make her heart melt just by eating an m-n-m.
"Wow, Kate, you've been all over Joe for awhile, he must be your hunkadoris."

"Carl makes my heart melt, he's such a hunkadoris"

"Oh.My.God. Darrell can be my hunkadoris anyday."
by EmoSnorlax March 4, 2010
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