4 definitions by Emily, Who Dat, Dickenson

A jerk-off in his thirties who wishes it was the 1950's, takes the grease from his hair and puts it on the shifter knob of his loud hot rod and fucks his own ass while listening to oldies.
That guy with the greasy hair is doing a Dirty Pasquale by sitting in the middle of his front seat humping his shifter to the music.

Hey that Dirty Pasquale is humping to that 50's music--really humping.
by Emily, Who Dat, Dickenson October 2, 2010
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Walking barefoot in a big pile of soft dog shit and it squishes up between toes.
He did a DIRTY SQUISH when he stepped in the soft dog shit barefoot
by Emily, Who Dat, Dickenson October 4, 2010
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A dog that has been maimed or murdered through illegal fighting for profit or fun.
Michael Vick caused many dogs to be a Michael Vick-tim with his illegal dog fighting racket.
by Emily, Who Dat, Dickenson October 3, 2010
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When your significant other aims his naked ass at your leg and tries to fart, but accidentally shits instead.
He lifted his leg to fart on her but he shit all over her by accident, and that's how she became a Dirty Meghan.

He thought he had to fart so he lifted his leg and aimed his ass at her leg, but accidentally shit instead causing a very Dirty Meghan.
by Emily, Who Dat, Dickenson October 1, 2010
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