2 definitions by Emafer

Verb: To use a musical instrument to play around with the musical notes in a song or jam.
Grab your ax and I'll hit the skins and we can noodle around for a bit.

I don't like jam bands becuase there is too much noddling. Just play a SONG!
by Emafer July 22, 2008
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A noun and verb:
When someone dies while hot like Shannon Hoon. This term does not apply to someone who was once hot, got old or ugly, then dies. Only hotties who die while hot.

Hoon jagging (present tense)
Hoon jagged (past tense)
Hot chick#1: What bummer about Heath Ledger, that was a Hoon Jag.
Overdosing hottie to girlfriend: I think I'm Hoon Jagging!
Girlfreind to overdosing hottie: DON'T YOU HOON JAG ME!
Out of the loop Hot chick #1: What happened to Heath Ledger?
In the loop Hot chick #2:Oh he got Hoon Jagged.
by Emafer March 24, 2008
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