17 definitions by Ellisniss MGP

Synonym for "sex."
Jackie and I had some hot, sweet lamp last night.
by Ellisniss MGP December 20, 2009
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To be used interchangeably with the phrase: "rub your nipple." The word 'pet' may also be subbed out for something fitting with the circumstance, such as the words 'squeeze' 'smack' or 'flip.'
"I'm gonna pet your dog nose"

Translation: I'm going to rub your nipple
by Ellisniss MGP January 11, 2011
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A rare sexually transmitted disease whose main symptom is the spontaneous combustion of one's genitals. In some cases, this can be more dangerous to those around one with Genital Combustion. For example, a woman with Genital Combustion may, in some cases, create a flamethrower with her vagina, injuring those nearby. A man with Genital Combustion will, in most cases, have his dick catch fire and in seconds be consumed by flames where he will then be sent to the underworld to await eternal punishment. There is no cure as of yet for Genital Combustion, but our nation's top minds are spending the taxpayer's money to find one. To avoid catching Genital Combustion, it is advised that you stay away from poorly cleaned genitalia. Also, if the genitals smell anything like roasted almonds, it is advised that sexual activity not be performed. For more information on Genital Combustion, light you genitals on fire and tell us how it feels.
Tiffany: I heard Stacy got Genital Combustion from Bob!
Suzy: Oh boy, better stay away from her.

Margret: I wondered how her neighbor's house burned down.
Tabitha: AWWWUGHH!!!!!
Suzy: Yea
Tiffany: Why am I friends with you three again?
by Ellisniss MGP January 17, 2010
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Small, white console by Nintendo to satisfy good, Christian families and their need to make everything all nice and friendly. Hosted such games as:

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Masturbation Attack 3
Lesbian Sex Party

Girls Gone Wild: The Game
Homosexual Satisfaction Treehouse of Orgies
Mark: I just got a Wii yesterday! We're playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl right now!
Steve: Cool, man, have you bought Girls Gone Wild: The Game yet?
Mark: That exists?
Steve: If you believa hard enough, then yes, it does.
by Ellisniss MGP January 17, 2010
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A religious extremist group based in Topeka, Kansas lead by Fred Phelps. The church is made of mainly the Phelps family because nobody else is screwed up enough to join. Phelps's daughter, Shirley Phelps-Roper is the main spokesperson for the church, making appearances on talk shows, radio shows, and the news to be verbally abused by those with common sense. The main focus of the church is that God hates everything and everyone besides the members of the church. In their minds, God's wrath on humanity is the death of our sons and daughters in Iraq. The group is easily most famous for its frequent protests and rallies at military funerals and other funerals that they feel like showing up at. They hold up signs that display vulgar messages and images, trying to get our attention. It gets our attention, but not the kind they want. The Westboro Baptist Church has also been called the most hated family in America, which is appropriate.
The Westboro Baptist Church's main website is called "godhatesfags.com." Another site by them is "godhatesamerica.com." Wow.
by Ellisniss MGP December 30, 2010
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A prepubescent boy who dreams of one day becoming a musician. He is worshiped by little girls who are feeling their vaginas tickle for the first time. He further advertises the "clean music" movement mainly sponsored by Disney with their music acts such as the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, and every other actor that has ever had a show on the Disney Channel. The video for his song "One Time" depicts a party with no drinking, drugs, sex, or anything usually at parties. I suppose it's appropriate considering he's only 7, but 7-year-olds shouldn't be having parties in the first place unless they are sleepovers where their mom bakes cookies for them and their friends and they play boys vs. girls keepaway in the back yard after fighting over control of the TV. WAIT ANOTHER 20 YEARS AND THEN PRODUCE AN ALBUM!
Justin Bieber: "There's gonna be one less lonely girl!"

Little Girl: *rubs self* "OMG ur so hott I love you!!!"
Justin Bieber: "Eew, girls are gross! Mommy, this girl's acting really weird!"
by Ellisniss MGP January 17, 2010
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A mystical instrument forged in the fires of hell to bring about guitargasms to the poor people of the planet Earth. Twas written in the stones that only those that are worthy shall wield this mighty maiden of justice. Such people are James Hetfield, Claudio Sanchez, Skwisgaar Skwigelf, and Ellisniss MGP. The Gibson Explorer's true power may be unleashed when set in the middle of a ten-foot diameter pentagram drawn with the blood of your helpless victims (that listen to country music). You must then perform a satanic ritual to call upon the great god Cthulu and use his magic to give your axe powers granting you the ability to command your army of winged breast dragons to take over the world one city at a time until you are supreme ultra lord of this pitiful planet. However, such power can not be summoned by any mortal. This person must be a guitar GOD.
The Gibson Explorer helped me conquer and enslave the Martians. I then proceeded to extinguish their race. That is why we can't find them.
by Ellisniss MGP January 17, 2010
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