2 definitions by El guy 79

The meaning for what i understand is swajili ( but spelled diff) for a leader or head of the Native or African tribes.
(Please correct me if i am wrong)

In Hispanic and Latino culture " Mayimbe" is a person who is liked by everyone. The word is sometimes but not always describes as "pimp" "the man" or just a real not fake positive person that everyone loves to be around.

A Mayimbe is around people who are always happy , while the hater drowns in his own misery.
Antony Santos and Fenrando Villalona have been known as " El Mayimbe" but they both have a respect for each other!
Ese tipo es un Mayimbe siempre esta contento y tiene muchas coneciones possitiva y todos lo quieren

That guy is a Mayimbe, he is always happy and has many positive connections and everyone likes him.
by El guy 79 May 18, 2008
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Mayimbe is for what i have heard is swajili for A leader or head of the native tribe. Maybe swajili used it to name its leader also of certain tribes.
(Please correct me if i am wrong)

In Hispanic and Latino culture " Mayimbe" is a person who is liked by everyone. He could be a pimp, the man, or just a real positive person that everyone loves to be around.

A Mayimbe is around people who are always happy , while the hater drowns in his own misery.
Ese tipo es un Mayimbe siempre esta contento y tiene muchas coneciones possitiva.

That guy is a Mayimbe, he is always happy and has many positive connections.
by El guy 79 May 19, 2008
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