2 definitions by Ein_Freundlicher_Deutscher

A term used to describe an American, used by a person who isn't American to counter racial slurs that they just LOVE to use at every time possible.
Americans: I see you are German. That means you are a Nazi.

Guy #2: Okay Ami/ Amis, go play an overrated video game and call someone a "simp" because you have nothing to do and live to be an ignorant Redditor.
by Ein_Freundlicher_Deutscher December 29, 2021
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A person who makes the assumption that someone is a N A Z I based off the basic knowledge that someone is German. Generally used to describe someone who sits at home and calls people a member of said political party that no longer exists because they are ignorant or uneducated. These are mean people, because we have souls and we're just like anyone else.
I got called a Nazi because I have the modern German flag as my YouTube profile picture. So many Deutsch-o-Phobic people on the internet.
by Ein_Freundlicher_Deutscher December 29, 2021
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