4 definitions by DumbDoodle

A private or secret Instagram where you can post things only your close friends or family can see. Lots of famous people have finsta so people don’t see things in their private life. Regular people can have finsta too. They usually have weird names and random messy posts. If someone follows your finsta and sees a really ugly picture of you they might show everyone and laugh at you. Better be careful who’s follow request you accept.
“Can I follow your finsta?”
“It’s private”
“Im going to hack you and show everyone a ugly picture of you if you don’t let me see”
“Ok fine geez the user is @rlly.ugly_jimmy_84828”
by DumbDoodle September 29, 2018
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Roast: No, not a turkey roast. A roast is a comeback to some jerk idiot that is rude. And it’s not “u stUPID!1!1!😤” it’s smarter...like mocking someone. You’ll know a roast when you see it. Probably
by DumbDoodle May 30, 2018
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Something James Charles says at the beginning of all his videos.
Also what some other people (most likely stan twitter) might say when greeting their fellow sisters (friends).
James Charles: “HEY SISTERS! WELCOME TO ANOTHER SISTER SPECIAL VIDEO! TODAY I’M GOING TO BE SHOWING YOU MY MORPHE KIT!”—— and then he continues to add sister of to everything that starts with an “S”
by DumbDoodle April 6, 2019
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when someone pulls your underwear up so high it gets stuck in your butt
You’re ugly
“What! Now I’m gonna give you a wedgie”
by DumbDoodle September 29, 2018
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