25 definitions by Dr. Simulacra

when a guy shits in another guy's coffee and blames it on the barista
Hey, did you hear what I did for Barry's Birthday? I gave him a dirty yoda.
by Dr. Simulacra October 25, 2013
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when a guy waits until the last 5 seconds of a football game to throw a winning touch down
did you just dirty brady?
by Dr. Simulacra October 18, 2013
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same as a dirty ginsberg except he does it to a girl
Jill let me give her a dirty kerouac and I knew she was the one.
by Dr. Simulacra October 18, 2013
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the way Larry David imagines black people say the word "ejaculate" in the tv series Curb Your Enthusiasm
someone sat down in a puddle of my ejacalit after I watched the new Carmen Electra pilates video
by Dr. Simulacra October 15, 2013
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when a Mall Santa picks up and places an innocent child on his lap close enough to "the zone" to grow a chubby.
You can never be too sure when your unsuspecting child might be participating in a dirty santa claus. Stay away from Malls in December!
by Dr. Simulacra December 14, 2013
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usually comes after eating a 3rd jar of Gerber's green bean mushroom puree mixed with banana pudding and is barely audible even to the person responsible for it but it leaves the room in which it happens smelling like death itself has died...
OH man, what is that? Rotten horse meat covered with maggots or dead fish decaying in the sun?
It's probably just another baby fart slipped out when no one was watching.
by Dr. Simulacra November 14, 2013
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when a guy shows up a party wasted and dressed like Zoolander and ends up singing Purple Rain while pissing in the dog's water dish...
Gerry is the only guy I know who can pull off a dirty jon voight and still remain popular with the ladies.
by Dr. Simulacra November 7, 2013
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