4 definitions by Dr. Donezo

hello; variation on "what's up?" or "wassup!"
"Wassuf, son! Haven't seen you in a while!"
by Dr. Donezo February 24, 2009
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A man who is overly concerned about catching the coronavirus, such that he engages in excessive social distancing, quarantining, or hygiene practices.

Etymology: German for "flu pussy man."
"Dude, stop being a früssenmensch and come out to the bar!"
by Dr. Donezo July 28, 2020
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The phenomenon of waking in an inebriated or crapulent state, arguing with one’s significant other, and then leaving one’s home to go directly to a bar.
How are you already so drunk? It’s only noon!”

“I had a New Jersey Morning.”
by Dr. Donezo March 3, 2019
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Noun. A heavy meal served with alcohol before brunch, usually after an evening of heavy drinking, designed to make an individual presentable for a midday event, like brunch. Etymology: pre- + brunch.

Also, intransitive verb. To consume prunch with or without enjoyment.
(1) He isn't sure he would have made it through brunch if he hadn't brunched beforehand. (2) I think I would like a pizza for prunch, since there may not be food served at the brunch.
by Dr. Donezo March 24, 2010
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