3 definitions by Dr. Deejay Narnar

A snowball with urine, pebbles, and dirt mixed in to it. It's first appearance was on Snow Days. This snowball was only a prototype in the movie where pee was mixed with snow. The Zinger later evolved to what it is today.
I totally slammed you with that Zinger and now you smell like piss and shit.
by Dr. Deejay Narnar January 14, 2011
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A form of fingering where two fingers are inserted into the vagina and two fingers are inserted into the anus. The fingers used are on one hand making the Spock sign from Star Trek
I used the shocker, the rocker, and the spocker on that chick!
by Dr. Deejay Narnar January 14, 2011
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A snowball made of disgusting snow/slush from the side of the street mixed with a generous portion of urine. Often this snowball is thrown at someone unexpectedly.
by Dr. Deejay Narnar January 14, 2011
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