4 definitions by Dr Isaac

One who is repetitively kicked in the stomach with subsequent gut-wrenching anxiety while remaining upright and wearing a fake smile. AKA: the college years.
My friends were amazed that I survived the human shock absorber years and earned a friggin’ piece of paper. Not even parchment. Yay for me.
by Dr Isaac September 13, 2018
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A gargantuan venture philanthropy project that is so large in its scope that it is bigger than any one corporation could possibly ever accomplish on its own, thereby requiring a collaborative effort merging large foundations, corporations, business visionaries, thought leaders, celebrities, musicians and athletes to come together to fuel its power.
Dude, did you hear about these new mega startups? They are like Cat 5 hurricanes in force. These entrepreneurs just keep moving the bar and getting bigger and bigger. WTF is that all about? How do they come up with this stuff?
by Dr Isaac September 19, 2018
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The study of how humans develop the skills to become a complete person and express that knowledge in their life choices.
Did you hear about that new college major in Umanities? What's that all about?
by Dr Isaac September 10, 2018
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One who is repetitively kicked in the stomach, with subsequent gut-wrenching anxiety, while remaining upright and wearing a fake smile. AKA: the college years.
“My friends were amazed that I was one of those student shock-absorbers and lived to talk about it. I did manage to get my degree. Yay for me!” - said flatly
by Dr Isaac September 16, 2018
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