11 definitions by Donald Scum

A racist, untalented piece of shit who committed violent hate crimes against multiple Vietnamese men and only decided to "apologize" for it three decades later in an attempt to get his felony record expunged so he could acquire a liquor license for his shitty restaurant.

If you want a true testament to how phony his apology was, just look at his work; virtually every movie and television show that he's involved with vilifies and mocks Asian people, particularly Asian men.

The mainstream media pushes the narrative that he's a "changed man," and all the lemmings believe it, but his projects show that he's the same hateful lowlife he always was.
If Mark Wahlberg gets hit by a bus, an angel will get its wings.
by Donald Scum November 13, 2018
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A degenerate who prides himself on his alcoholism. He thinks he is entitled to women's bodies and will throw a tantrum if a woman rejects him. He lives in a state of perceived superiority because his belongs to a group that requires him to pay money and get humiliatingly hazed to get into.
The frat daddy cried and berated the woman after she refused to have sex with him.
by Donald Scum October 12, 2018
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An overrated thug who the mainstream media coddles despite all the despicable things he does and says.
Conor McGregor threw a dolly at innocent people, injuring three fighters. Media praises him as a "bad boy."

Khabib Nurmagomedov jumps into a crowd and injures no one. Media labels him a "disgrace."
by Donald Scum October 7, 2018
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An insult used by pretentious idiots in Greek organizations to try and make those outside of their membership seem "beneath" them. Pretty much as childish as it gets.
The frat boy called the non-Greek student a "GDI". The non-Greek student proceeded to laugh at the immaturity of the frat boy.
by Donald Scum October 14, 2018
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When you scream bloody murder at the prospect of James Bond not being white.
An alpha male character who is not white is sure to upset those with white fragility.
by Donald Scum October 14, 2018
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A word that greatly offends and triggers those who are butthurt because racial minorities are recognizing the subtle ways in which they are discriminated against in "post-racial" western society.
Person 1: I've become woke to how affirmative action helps white women more than people of color.
Person 2: Stop questioning things you were told by the murican government!!! MAGA!!!!
by Donald Scum May 2, 2018
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A term used by idiots to justify racial generalizations against nonwhites by using out-of-context statistics and pseudoscientific studies. The overwhelming consensus among evolutionary scientists is that zero evidence exists of inherent behavioral, intellectual, or anatomical differences between races. But don't tell that to the idiot race realist; it will hurt his ego and his false sense of superiority.

For example, blacks disproportionately commit violent crime, mostly against other blacks. The real reason for this is that blacks were disproportionately segregated into poverty-stricken ghettos, into which the American government funneled disproportionate amounts of firearms and addictive drugs in order to create unrest within those communities.

You will never hear this context explained by the idiot race realist, because he desperately wants to believe that blacks are inherently criminalistic in order to boost his own fragile ego.

The idiot race realist will condescendingly preach about using facts instead of feelings, but as soon as you present facts that reflect negatively on white males, such as serial killers and domestic terrorists being disproportionately white males, he will hypocritically reject those facts purely on the basis of his own hurt feelings.

You will never hear the idiot race realist make broad, negative generalizations about white males like he does males of other races. Because race realism is all based on hypocrisy and dishonesty.
Idiot: The robber HAD to be black! The terrorist HAD to be brown! Race realism! I'm not racist, it's just muh statistics!

Logical person: Statistically, most serial killers are white men, most mass shooters are white men, and most domestic terrorists are white men. So the killer HAD to be white, right? The school shooter HAD to be white? Right?


Logical person: Aaaaand you're a hypocrite.
by Donald Scum September 8, 2018
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