4 definitions by Dobe Doinat

referring to oneself or one's group as history means to demand that the drop-dead time for leaving the area has already been surpassed.
"We should be outta here, yesterday! We're History!"
"We're History! We're Taillights! Let's blow 'dis popstand!"
by Dobe Doinat November 27, 2005
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Multiple definitions:
1) originally: having a bad hallucinatory experience;
has devolved to mean: temporarily unsure of one's self.
2) substitute term expletive, often used when Mum is about.
3) adjective meaning exceptional
4) homonym: phreaking: hacking or hi-tech mischief-making
Multiple spellings:
freaking, freakin', phreaking
"I'm freaking out!.
That freakin' phreak just freaked!
Too freakin' much!"
by Dobe Doinat November 27, 2005
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An archival collection of homonoms.
I have 40,000 Punny Names in my Homonomicon, one of which is: "Dobe Doinat".
by Dobe Doinat October 28, 2005
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when used in referring to oneself or one's group, this imperitive demands to leave the vicinity
"We're History! We're Taillights! Let's blow 'dis popstand!" or "Let's scram, doubletime, dude! We're History!"
by Dobe Doinat November 27, 2005
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