2 definitions by Dob58

A word that means idiot or an insult for someone you don't like
That Liam guy is such a fucking kwulch.
Joel keeps calling me a kwulch, I hate him.
Tariq is being such a kwulch to me right now.
Donald Trump is a right kwulch.
by Dob58 March 16, 2017
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Reek - To smoke. Could be smoking weed, cigarettes, crack etc.

Reeked - To be intoxicated due to smoking.
For reek -
Person 1: Dude wanna go and reek a doinky
Person 2: Fuck yeah g lets bun a fat one

For reeked -

Person 1: Bro did you smoke a lot
Person 2: Dawg I'm reeked as shit
by Dob58 September 4, 2019
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